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Monday, August 18, 2014

Amazing Miracle Cleanse

I tried this product for a total of 2 weeks. I followed the instructions of taking 1-2 capsules once or twice a day. Right away I noticed the capsules had a strong and bitter aftertaste when swallowed.  That was the only real negative thing I can say about the product.  At first I was a little nervous about taking a colon cleansing product. I was afraid of having accidents in public or worse.  But rest assured nothing like that happened. I have also heard that celebs use colon cleanses to slim down a few pounds.  

Let me get to it here and tell you how it all went for me.  The first day I didn't really notice any changes at all to myself.  By Day 2 though I noticed I was becoming more regular in terms of amount and even time of going.  I don't want to go into anymore details besides that.  Along with being more regular I also noticed I didn't have anymore intestinal cramping, and my belly bloat was gone that I usually have.  I lost a total of 9 pounds over the 2 weeks I took this supplement too.  Which I'm very happy about :) I can honestly say also that I feel better too and have more energy.  I don't fell as tired and weighted down.  In conclusion I would recommend this product and will use it again in the future.  I had success with it and didn't have any negative side effects.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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