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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Heals Skin & Leaves It Soft & Smooth

I've always been a huge fan of Cetaphil products and have been using the facial cleanser for years because I love how it cleans and moisturizes my skin. So when i was asked to try out and review some new products from the makers of Cetaphil I was right on board. The 2 products I received were the Excipial Skin Solutions Hydrating Healing lotion and Intensive Healing cream. Both products are available on and CVS and retail at around $14.99 each. 

The Excipial Skin Solutions Hydrating Healing lotion comes in a 6.7 oz. bottle with a twist off cap. It contains 10% natural Urea which helps hydrate your skin throughout the day. I have extremely dry skin on my hands, arms, and legs from showering, shaving my legs, and the cold winter season. My skin gets really dry and turns red and becomes irritated or it itches almost constantly. Its really unpleasant when my skin gets really dry like this. The Excipial Skin Solutions Heydrating Healing lotion relieves my dry, irritated, itchy skin and I see and feel real results after only a day of using. I use this product after I shower or bathe and it does on easy and dries clean not greasy or sticky. It dries fast and my skin feels soft and soothed after I apply it. After the second time I used this the itching stopped on my legs and the redness went away on my hands. This is my new everyday lotion.

The Excipial Intensive Healing cream comes in a 3,7 oz. squeeze tube with a flip up cap. It contains 20% natural Urea and is a much more concentrated, targeted skin healing cream. I use this product on my feet because I have a lot of rough, dry, peeling and scaling skin. I've tried just about everything to improve the look and feel of my feet and nothing has worked for me. I've even spent money on expensive pedicures and they help for a week or two and then my feet go right back to being dry and cracked. I decided to give this product a try so I took a long bath and used the foot file on my feet to remove the excess dry skin. I them applied this cream to my feet and covered them with some comfy socks. This cream also works great on really dry skin on my hands and dry patches on my legs especially around my knees. After about a week and a half of using the Excipial Intensive Healing cream on my feet I'm proud to say my feet are sandal and flip flop ready. The dry cracked areas on my heel and around my big toes is almost completely gone. My feet no longer feel rough against my sheets when I'm in bed at night. There's no more painful cracking of my skin and the callus on the balls of my feet are softening up and disappearing. I can now show my feet with no shame. 

If you would like to learn more about these products please use this link here:

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